Judge Knot: The Surprising Science Behind Why We Can’t Gauge Knot Strength
Read: Judge Knot: The Surprising Science Behind Why We Can’t Gauge Knot Strength
Scientists Propose First Experimental Test of Universe’s ‘Fine-Tuning’ for Life
Single Mutation Could Enable H5N1 Bird Flu to Better Infect Humans
Footprints in Deep Time: Science Poetry
Healthy Diet Reduces Chronic Pain, Regardless of Body Weight
Plastics treaty talks in Busan fail to reach consensus
Engineering AI: Democratizing Complex Simulations
Peer-Brokered Sales Central to Illegal Drug Trade
A connection between quantum theory and information theory proved
Novel Electric Field Discovery Points to Future of Quantum Computing, Nanotechnology
Keto diet metabolite may power up CAR T cells to kill cancer
Military directors on boards boost CEO accountability for poor performance
Dark Energy Camera Spies the Outskirts of the Swirling Southern Pinwheel Galaxy
Suicide rate is low during the holidays, but the holiday-suicide myth persists